苏格兰足球队历史成绩/nba直播视频直播/阿尔巴尼亚/灰熊vs森林狼 - 足球乙级联赛



貨 號 品 名 規 格 單價(元) 廠 家
M3004S Luna Universal Probe qPCR Master?Mix 200 rxns ¥889 NEB
M3004X Luna Universal Probe qPCR Master?Mix 1000 rxns ¥3,839 NEB
M3004V Luna?? Universal Probe qPCR Master Mix 100 rxns? ¥529 NEB
M5505L USER Enzyme 250 units ¥2,829 NEB
M5505S USER Enzyme 50 units ¥709 NEB
M6630L NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix 96 rxns ¥6,899 NEB
M6630S NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix 24 rxns ¥1,989 NEB
N0315S M13K07 Helper Phage 1.8 ml ¥1,209 NEB
N0317S pCLuc-Basic 2 Vector 20 μg ¥3,479 NEB
N0318S pSV40-CLuc Control Plasmid 20 μg ¥3,479 NEB
N0321S pCMV-CLuc 2 Control Plasmid 20 μg ¥3,429 NEB
N0323S pSV40-GLuc Control Plasmid 20 μg ¥3,189 NEB
N0341S Lambda PFG Ladder 50 gel lanes ¥1,799 NEB
N0356S 5-methyl-dCTP 1 μmol ¥699 NEB
N0362S ssRNA Ladder 25 gel lanes ¥699 NEB
N0363S dsRNA Ladder 25 gel lanes ¥909 NEB
N0364S Low Range ssRNA Ladder 25 gel lanes ¥699 NEB
N0440S dATP Solution 25 μmol ¥549 NEB
N0445L 7-deaza-dGTP 1.5 μmol ¥2,889 NEB
N0445S 7-deaza-dGTP 0.3 μmol ¥699 NEB
N0446S Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Set 25 μmol of each ¥2,109 NEB
N0447L Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix 40 μmol of each ¥3,029 NEB
N0447S Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix 8 μmol of each μmol of each ¥669 NEB
N0447V Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix 4 μmol of each ¥339 NEB
N0450L Ribonucleotide Solution Set 50 μmol of each ¥2,889 NEB
N0450S Ribonucleotide Solution Set 10 μmol of each μmol of each ¥729 NEB
N0460S Acyclonucleotide Set 0.5 μmol of each ¥699 NEB
N0466L Ribonucleotide Solution Mix 50 μmol of each ¥3,029 NEB
N0466S Ribonucleotide Solution Mix 10 μmol of each μmol of each ¥759 NEB
N0467L Quick-Load 100 bp DNA Ladder 375 gel lanes ¥1,789 NEB
    21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    第23/60頁, 共1783條信息

版權所有@上海由誼忠聯生物科技有限公司  備案號:滬ICP備14030747號-1

電話/傳真:021-54590100、545901281    地址:上海市徐匯區零陵路583號海洋石油大廈2201室 【網站后臺入口】